There’s something utterly relaxing and satisfying about flying a remote-controlled helicopter – maybe it has something to do with having the power to fly something, or it is just a fun activity. The best part about it is that regardless of the age, it can offer great pleasure to those who fly one. However, there are just so many models out there, and picking the one that suits your needs the best can be challenging. In fact, many are daunted or discouraged because they do not know what model they should pick. And we are going to do nothing when we know such a small obstacle is preventing you from enjoying the activity fully, read on to learn seven tips to help you pick a remote-controlled helicopter that you would like and harness:
1. Always Keep the Local Regulations in Mind
Do you have a spot in mind that you think is perfect for flying a remote-controlled helicopter? Do not get carried away just yet – because different cities and countries have different regulations about where one can be flown, or how it can be flown. Especially be careful that you do not fly one in a private area or in a crowded place.
2. The Flight and The Space
How much space do you need? If you are just a beginner (welcome!), then make sure you have a clear area so you do not have to worry about flying the helicopter into objects such as trees or houses. In general, the higher the visibility, the better it is for beginners. Not an outdoor person? We have choices for you, they are smaller so a smaller area could even be better.
3. Know Your Control Well
After all, it is called ‘remote-controlled’ for a reason, and since you are remotely controlling it, you have to get familiar with how each button works. Do remember each button has its own functions. Once you are familiar with the control, it will help the flying experience much easier.
4. Practice Makes Perfect
Now you know your buttons well, put your knowledge into practice. Train up your muscle memories by performing basic movements before you take the helicopter into the open.
5. Know Your Helicopter Well
Each model is different, some may have a length of autonomy of 5 minutes, some may have one lasting up to 30 minutes. The range can also vary greatly from one model to another, and those factors affect how you can control the device. The battery level should always be on your checklist before you take off as well.
6. Don’t Go Big.
It is not a ‘go big or go home’ activity for you. The larger a helicopter is, the harder it is to control it. Start small – and we are delighted to tell you that we have smaller models that are durable. Also – even if you cannot control it well and it crashes, a smaller model is less likely to result in damages, or worse, injuries.
7. Stay Calm at All Times
It is not a scary movie, but unexpected incidents such as a sudden strong gust of wind may send you into a panic, and when you are panicking you tend to lose control more easily. Stay calm and know that you have it under control, and you will have it under control.
What to Look for When You Buy Your First Remote-Controlled Helicopter
Most importantly, the size and weight are the first thing you should consider. As mentioned above, heavier and bigger models are much harder to control, so beginners should opt for something smaller and lighter. Fancy the bigger devices when you get a hang of how it works.
Do not forget to do your research, brands that are well-known are more likely to know how to produce safer flights, and you can always read reviews about if the particular model you like is durable or difficult to fly.
Next, check out the autonomy and the range. Does it require charging every 5 minutes, and does it make for a great outdoor helicopter? If it is out of signals 3 meters away from you and you are planning to fly it outdoors, go for another option instead.
And the number of channels matters not only for TV. 2 channels mean basic movements can be performed. The higher number of channels will indicate a better ability to carry out complex movements, including flying it sideways and adjusting flight heights.
Last but for sure not least – the types of helicopters will be an important factor. A twin-motor model is Fixed-pitch and variable-pitch models, on the other hand, have one main rotor and another at the tail, and you will have to be more dexterous to master those.
Now you know the basic, and with so many choices out there, you are once thinking again – where should I start? Well – the answer is… here!

Flybotic Sky Griffin
Another light and handy helicopter on the list. A coaxial rotor system means that it is perfect for beginners and children. It also has 3 channels: up / down, forward and rotate, definitely will not overwhelm any beginners.

Also one bonus point for all of our Flybotic models: they are made with materials that can withstand many drops, so you can worry less about breaking them!
Now you have everything you need to know to truly enjoy the fun of flying a remote-controlled helicopter, get your first device and start your journey soon!